Friday, January 23, 2015

The Holey Trinity - In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)

This was kind of surprising to me when I found out that Trinitarians interpret this verse to prove that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one (God). I've read this verse many times and never once thought it even hinted at that idea! But that's what happens when a person reads the Bible without the preconceived notion that God is a Trinity. Apparently the thought is, since the singular usage of "name" is referring to all 3 that all 3 must have the same "name" and must all be the same being. Based on logic alone, this interpretation is completely faulty. If a check is written "in the name of" the husband and the wife, does that mean they are the same being? Even if 3 people have the same name does that make them the same being? There are probably a thousand Mike Smith's in the world, does that mean that make up one Mike Smith? My father and I share the same name, but we are not the same being. It is poor logic.

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Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.