The "Illusion of Truth Effect"

I finally found it. I finally found the answer to how it is people believe something as complicated, diluted and unscriptural as the Trinity doctrine. I found the explanation of how it is people become so entrenched in their stance defending it. I have presented scriptures to Trinitarians that completely contradicts their interpretation of scripture and the vast majority of the time, it gets ignored. Their response completely avoids addressing it or even acknowledging that it was mentioned. I have even been told that "this has been the churches interpretation of the verse for hundreds of years so it must be true". This is what psychologists call "illusory truth effect" also known as the "illusion of truth effect".

"[Illusory truth effect] is the tendency to believe information to be correct because we are exposed to it more often."

Let's put this in context. For thousands of years literally billions of people have believed and reinforced the idea to one another that Jesus is God. It has undoubtedly widely been accepted as what the Bible teaches. The "church" defines the "diety of Christ" as the staple belief of being "Christian". In most cases people don't bother to do the research for themselves. It just become to them "what is". Their parents believed it, their grand parents believed it, great grandparents and so on and so on. The idea that Jesus is God has just became the norm. When really it is just an illusion of the truth.

I am sure you have all heard your parents say "If your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too?"  The same thing applies here, only this is a matter of everlasting life or everlasting death. This is a matter of worshipping the Father in spirit and truth. One law professor stated this about the illusion of truth effect:

"A psychological phenomenon where the tendency to believe information is correct because we are exposed to it more often. We believe it to be true because of our repeated exposure to it even in spite of contradictory information."

The last part "in spite of contradictory information". Some of you may be familiar with my blog post exposing the misinterpretations and logical flaws of fellow blogger @AdamHeyer's "Is Jesus God?" post. In reply to my entry he stated:

"It is the orthodox reading of John, believed by the church for hundreds of years...."

This was in reply to me presenting facts, literal proven facts regarding the use of the divine name in the Greek scriptures. He completely ignores these facts and entrenches himself further into what he believes. I find it unimaginable for myself to do this as I critically analyze anything contrary to what I believe in to make sure what I believe is the truth. Frankly it drives me crazy that this isn't the mindset that all God-fearing people have! This is eternal life and eternal death at stake. For parents, imagine it is YOU who are misleading your children in the worship of the True God. In my opinion, you better be darn sure that what you are passing to them isn't simply the "orthodox teaching" and it is the absolute truth! That is your God-given responsibility as an parent. Anyways, I have been searching for what this phenomenon is called for a while as I have seen it with many Trinitarians on many occasions. Finally I found the explanation. Despite evidence to the contrary Mr. Hellyer holds tight to his illusion of truth. He is not alone in this practice, just the most recent and pertinent example at this time. 

No doubt this is a problem that the perfect brain would not have. I say that meaning that Jehovah did not create us with the detriment to become so entrenched in something so deeply that we would refuse to accept facts proving contrary. This is something that is the result of sin. Something that Satan has used in his favor for thousands of years with billions of people. The question is do you have the self-awareness to know if this is happening to you? Are you willing to change?

"For your loyal love is always in front of me, And I walk in your truth." - Psalm 26:3 (NWT)

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Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.