Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Who Does the Bible Say is "the only true God"?

I have discussed many times the idea of a title of exclusivity; or a title that can belong only to a singular person (See The First and The Last). The title of "the only true God" is one of these titles. It can only belong to the one whom is the "true God", or not a false god. Even Trinitarians agree, there is only one God. What this article will clear up is any idea that Jesus considers himself to be that true God and who he does consider to be that true God.

"This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." - John 17:3 (NWT)

Jesus says these words in prayer to his Father (John 17:1). There are some very clear distinctions made by Jesus when you compare his words to other scriptures in the Bible. Using the Bible to define itself we can get clarity on both who his Father is and who the only true God is.

Jesus says "you, the only True God". Not us. Not we. Not me. "You". Which means he is acknowledging that someone other than himself is "the only True God". Jesus, who is accused of being God by Trinitarians, is in fact calling someone else "the only True God". It would be odd for someone who knows that they are also the "only True God" to call someone else the "only True God", would it not? Even if Jesus wasn't God at the moment he said these words, he still knew that he was God. Since Jesus is speaking to his Father in prayer, it is clear that he considers his Father to be "the only true God", not himself.

More specifically then, who is "the only True God"? As I said already, this is a title of exclusivity used within the Bible. There is no other true God. There is only one true God and every other god is a false god. The phrase "True God" is used 5 times in the King James Version. As we have discussed previously, the Divine Name has been removed from this Bible and replaced with lowercase capital "LORD". With that in mind, let's see who the Bible describes as the "True God".

(Side Note: If you are insistent on sticking with the use of the King James Bible I cannot recommend strongly enough that you use the newly published Divine Name King James Bible. Word for word sticking with the KJV as you know it, but respectfully restoring the Divine Name "Jehovah" to the over 7,000 places it belongs.)

"Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law. But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them." - 2 Chronicles 15:3 + 4 (KJV)

This scripture shows us that Israel has been without the "true God" but when they were in trouble they did turn to "the LORD God of Israel". Or as the American Standard Bible puts it, "Jehovah the God of Israel". Instance #1 where the exclusive title of "true God" is attributed to Jehovah. 

"But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God" - Jeremiah 10:10 (KJV)

"But Jehovah is the true God; he is the living God..." - Jeremiah 10:10 (ASV)

This is another example where the title "true God" is attributed to Jehovah. What also becomes obvious in this example is the confusion that a person can have when reading this verse from a Bible that has removed Jehovah's name. Jesus is many times called Lord in the Greek Scriptures. Without accurate knowledge, the mistake of assuming this scripture is talking about him could occur.

Now we have allowed the Bible to define "the only true God". This title is exclusively attributed to Jehovah God. There is no other instance anywhere in the Bible in which this title is given to anyone except him. The only logical conclusion is that Jesus was talking about Jehovah when he said "the only true God".

There is even more evidence pointing to this fact as we delve into precisely who the Bible says Jesus's Father is. We have already determine that Jesus is talking about Jehovah when he says "the only true God". Without a personal name, we can't be sure who Jesus is talking to beyond his Father. So what does the Bible say the name of the Father is?

"For you are our Father: when Abraham does not know us nor Israel recognize us, you, Jehovah, are our Father..." - Isaiah 63:16 (Byington)

"But now, O Jehovah, you are our Father." - Isaiah 64:8 (NWT)

"Wherefore David blessed Jehovah before all the assembly; and David said, Blessed be thou, O Jehovah, the God of Israel our father, for ever and ever." - 1 Chronicles 29:10 (ASV)

These are 3 examples from scripture that tell us that Jehovah is the Father's personal name. Let's address the aspect of who we are suppose to pray to. There are literally zero instances in the Bible in which anyone prays to Jesus or is directed to pray to Jesus. None. So who does the Bible tell us we are to pray to? What examples does it give?

"Hear my prayer, O Jehovah..." - Psalm 39:12 (ASV; See Also Psalm 102:1, 143:1)

"O Jehovah God of hosts, hear my prayer" - Psalm 84:8 (ASV)

"Jehovah said to him: “I have heard your prayer..." - 1 Kings 9:3 (NWT)

Again, the Bible makes it clear that Jehovah is the person loyal ones prayed to and the one who heard prayers. This fact is also abundantly clear when the Divine Name is not removed from scripture. 

The Bible clearly states that Jehovah is the hearer of prayer. Appropriately, Jesus is praying to his Father and as the Bible states his Father is Jehovah. These 2 statements alone make it clear that Jesus is speaking of Jehovah when he says "you, the only true God". But this can be proven even further because this exclusive title has been given to Jehovah several times throughout scripture. Undoubtedly, there is more than ample proof that we "must come to know" BOTH Jehovah, and the one who Jehovah sent, which is Jesus. There is no doubt that Jesus distinguishes a clear separation of himself and "the only true God" Jehovah. He clearly does not consider them to be the same person or the same God.

With the scriptural evidence presented this fact is beyond dispute by any reasonable person. I mentioned earlier how it would be odd for Jesus to claim inequality to God while himself knowing that he actually is God, which is what Trinitarians claim. Please check back for the next entry about "How the Trinity Makes Jesus Deceitful". 

Also please follow me on Twitter @GodIsNoTrinity for blog updates and any new research I may come across!

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Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.