John 1:1

"You could only derive a Trinitarian interpretation from John 1:1 if you come to this passage with an already developed Trinitarian theology. If you approached it with a strict Monotheism (which is what I believe John held to) then this passage would definitely support such a view."- William Arnold III; Colwell's Rule and John 1:1

"Jn. 1:1 should rigorously be translated...and the word was a divine being." - John L. Mckenzie; Dictionary of the Bible

"and a God (i.e. a Divine Being) was the Word" - Robert Young; Young's Concise Critical Bible Commentary

"Accordingly, from the point of view of grammar alone, [QEOS HN hO LOGOS] could be rendered "the Word was a god" - Murray J. Harris; Jesus As God

"If a translation were a matter of substituting words, a possible translation of [QEOS EN hO LOGOS]; would be, "The Word was a god". As a word-for-word translation it cannot be faulted." - C. H. Dodd
"I think the best translation would be: 'And the Word was divine'." - Jason DeBuhn; Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament

"Christ would not be equated absolutely with God, but only described as a being of divine nature." - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology

"It is not that Jesus is God. Time and time again the Fourth Gospel speaks of God sending Jesus into the world. Time and time again we see Jesus praying to God....Nowhere does the New Testament identify Jesus with God." - William Barclay; A Spiritual Autobiography

"'The Word was God'. Grammatically this is a possible translation, but not the only one. The statement's meaning and so it's translation, must be determined from it's context. It could also be translated: 'the Word was a god' or 'the Word was divine'...Against [the translation 'the Word was God'] is the fact that the author has just said that the Word was 'with' God....The other two translations fit the context more smoothly." - William Loader; The Christology of the Fourth Gospel

 "a god was the Word" - W. E. Vine; An Expository Dictionary of the New Testament

 "And the Word was divine." - Dr. GoodspeedAn American Translation

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