Sunday, April 17, 2016

"Firstborn of All Creation" - (Colossians 1:15)

"who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation" - Colossians 1:15

What are the first thoughts that pop into your mind after you read that? Is it that whoever the subject of this verse is, that person was the image of God - or an exact replication of what God would look like if God weren't invisible. It's common knowledge that the image of something CANNOT be that something. Perhaps you're thinking that this person was God's very first creation, His first-born as it is clearly stated. Those would be correct interpretations of this verse. Simple, easy to understand, basic and straight to the point. Unfortunately since people want so badly to believe that Jesus is God, this verse must be manipulated in a way that supports that belief. The fact that Jesus was created ruins the idea of a Trinity. If Jesus were God he would not have been created as God had no creator. So what must one do to that verse to have it mesh with the Trinity doctrine? The ONLY way to fit this verse into the Trinity doctrine is to completely change the meaning of "firstborn". The tactic of changing definitions has been applied from Trinitarians in other places as well, see GodheadI can't imagine what it must be like jumping through all these hoops to find my belief in the Bible.

Aside from how a person without any predetermined notion of a Trinity would view this verse, let us take a look at some enemies of the Trinity doctrine: context and the original Greek.

First let's see if there are any other verses that corroborate this particular statement in Colossians.

"And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God" - Revelation 3:14

Being the "beginning of the creation of God" certainly does seem synonymous with being the "firstborn". Jesus was created first therefore was born first.

"“The Lord [Jehovah] created me first of all, the first of his works, long ago." - Proverbs 8:22 (Good News Translation) 

Now there are many people who disagree with the idea that Jesus is the "wisdom" that is speaking here. This comes as no surprise. Anytime the Bible hints, insinuates or even explicitly states anything contrary to Jesus being God the Trinity defenders come running, shields in hand. We know from the study about the Holy Spirit that just because the Bible gives personal traits to something, that something is not necessarily a person. In this case, however, context heavily implies that this is "wisdom personified". The odd part is even shield-bearing Trinity defenders agree!

"“Wisdom” of Prov. 8:22, 23 is certainly the pre-existent Christ!" - W.G.T. Shedd, Dogmatic Theology

"The personification [of ‘Wisdom’] continues in Pr. 8 and reaches its climax in vv. 22 ff., where Wisdom claims to be the first creation of God and, perhaps, an assistant in the work of creation." - New Bible Dictionary

Also found in this same reference work is the statement that "The Word" is "personified as Wisdom" (P. 1221).

"“‘Wisdom’ in [Proverbs 8:22-30] may be regarded not as a mere personification of the attribute of wisdom, but as a divine person, considered by many to clarify what John means by his use of logos (word) in [John] 1:1-17.”" - Today's Dictionary of the Bible

Context alone points to the very idea that wisdom personified is Jesus. Compare; Proverbs 8:23 and John 17:5. If the evidence presented to you does not convince you of this truth, please click the link at the bottom of this post. It is an extensively researched "paper" on the connection of these 3 aforementioned verses. An excellent read. 

Now, Trinitarians argue that the word "firstborn" means "preeminent one". In some cases this is true. However in none of those cases is this true when the Greek word used here, at Colossians 1:15, is used. That word is prōtotokos which literally means the first-born according to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and Young's Analytical Concordance. Trinitarians may want to change the definition of firstborn in this instance, but that is simply dishonest. In every occurrence of the word prōtotokos in the Bible it does not mean "preeminent"! The most probable meaning in all the instances is, in fact, the first born!

"The use of the word prototokos in the Bible always means one who has come into existence first in time - before all the rest of his "brothers" - the beginning (arkhe) of his father's creative (or procreative) works." - Jason BeDuhn, Truth in Translation

Further disproving the idea that Jesus is preeminent, or ruler, over all creation we take a look at the scriptures. Jehovah is called the Father (Isaiah 63:16, 64:8). The very title of Father indicates that He is the preeminent one! Jesus does not share this title as he is called the Son. Additionally, the preeminent one would also be considered the Most High. At Psalm 83:18 Jehovah is named as the Most High. Jesus, as Luke 1:32 shows, is the Son of the Most High. These titles are distinctive to each individual and are not shared by either. Jehovah is TRULY the Ruler of all creation!

Regardless of the meaning of firstborn, let's also take a look at the grammar used here. Jesus is said to be the firstborn OF CREATION. This indisputably puts Jesus in the group of "creation"! Even if he was preeminent over all creation (which he is not, Jehovah is), Jesus is STILL a part of that creation. Which means he is a creature. And one thing that all creatures have in common? They are all created!

The teaching that Jesus is the firstborn meaning preeminent one is totally dependent on the ignorance of the hearer. Those teaching this interpretation of scripture are praying on the trust of their listeners. They are the wolves in sheep's clothing we are warned about (Matthew 7:15). Appreciate these truths and this knowledge of the original Greek language. The dishonesty in interpretation is what I am trying so hard to show you and reveal to you in this blog and my other Commands of Men.

The connection between Colossians 1:15, Revelation 3:14 and Proverbs 8:22 which all refer to Christ as being a creation is obvious. However, some prefer to complicate matters and manipulate these scriptures to fit their beliefs. Unfortunately for them, there are those with the truth on their side. The following website goes more in-depth than I ever could regarding the connection and their true meanings. It makes for a good, long and somewhat complicated reading. But the truth is undeniable.

Examining The Trinity - Beginning, Wisdom, and Firstborn

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Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.