Friday, July 8, 2016

How the Teaching That Jesus is Jehovah Conflicts the Trinity

Over the duration of this blog I have addressed many of the scriptures that are either misunderstood, manipulated or altered in order for the doctrine of the Trinity to form. That is still the main focus of the blog but the timing seems right to bring to light the way the Bible disproves that doctrine. The scriptures that blatantly and explicitly contradict what that doctrine claims. There is no shortage of these examples so keep checking back for more.

On a side note, I would like to spread the word of this blog a little more. It's very informative and puts sometimes hard to find research right in front of you. In an effort to do so I have created Twitter account @GodIsNoTrinity. I think you will find the Twitter account to be informative and interesting. Please follow me and share with all of your friends and loved ones the information available on this blog. Please give us the Google +1 and follow it on Twitter! Thank you!

There are a plethora of places I could start but I'm going to begin with the assertion that Jesus and Jehovah are the same. This teaching poses a very clear and simple problem within the scriptures. It is important to remember that the Trinity doctrine teaches that while the Father and Son (and Holy Spirit) are the same God, they are not the same person. The Bible tells us the personal name of the Father, specifically, is Jehovah.

"But now, O Jehovah, thou art our Father" - Isaiah 64:8 (ASV)

"thou, O Jehovah, art our Father; our Redeemer from everlasting is thy name." - Isaiah 63:16 (ASV)

These scriptures alone present some hard evidence against the idea that Jesus and Jehovah are the same. In fact, I would say that the explicit statement that the name of the Father is Jehovah throws a wrench into the Trinity doctrine. In order for the Trinity to be an accurate teaching the name Jehovah must be just one of the "many names of God". The reason that must be is to reconcile scriptures like this one:

"I am Jehovah, and there is none else; besides me there is no God." - Isaiah 45:5 (See Also Deuteronomy 4:3439)

If Jehovah is simply the name of God, then this scripture can fit the Trinity. The Trinity teaches of only one God and that Jehovah is one of God's "many names". However, what the above scriptures (Isaiah 63:416) make clear is that the Jehovah is the name of the Father. When we look at these explicit statements through the prism of the Trinity doctrine some conflicts occur. Mainly, because the Trinity doctrine teaches that while the Son and the Father are the same God - they are not the same person. Since those scriptures state the name of the Father is Jehovah in order for Jesus (the Son) to be the same as Jehovah (the Father) Jesus must then be the Father just as Jehovah is - otherwise they cannot be considered "the same". This is what is called a "logical statement". If A is true and B is true then C must be true. If Jehovah is the Father (A) and Jesus is Jehovah (B) then Jesus must be the Father (C). Likewise, it would be illogical to say that Jehovah is the Father, Jesus is Jehovah, but Jesus is not the Father.

Now, taking a look back at Isaiah 45:5. If you were to substitute Jehovah with "the Father" (which is still honest because Jehovah is the Father) then these scriptures prove that neither the Son nor Holy Spirit can also be God. It is no coincidence that is the accurate exegetical interpretation of that verse. This explicit statement that "there is no God" besides the Father completely disproves the assertion that the Son and Holy Spirit are also God. There is no other honest interpretation of these facts.

Let's take a look at this information in a different way. One of these two interpretations would have to prove accurate in order for the Bible to support the Trinity doctrine.

Interpretation #1
God the Father + God the Son + God the Holy Spirit = Jehovah

This interpretation is incorrect because of Isaiah 63:16 + 64:8 which state that Jehovah is the name of God the Father. Which leads us to...

Interpretation #2
Jehovah + Jesus + Holy Spirit = Jehovah

This interpretation cannot be correct within the confines of the Trinity because it would require that Jesus and the Holy Spirit be the Father who is Jehovah. However, the Trinity doctrine requires that they be different persons but the same God. By Jesus and the Holy Spirit being Jehovah, logically then, they would be the Father.

Because it is revealed that God the Father has a name and that name is Jehovah the doctrine of the Trinity is completely bogus when compared to explicit scripture. Jehovah is a personal name to the Father and Almighty God. Jesus is the name of His Son. At no point is Jesus ever called Jehovah. At no point is Jehovah ever called Jesus. At no point is the Holy Spirit ever called by any name. As followers of the Bible we must form our beliefs based on the information we are given. We cannot go outside of scripture to formulate an honest opinion.

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Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.