The Counterfeit Doctrine

As I'm sure one can imagine, I receive much hate and persecution for what I am doing by setting out to disprove this extremely popular belief. These "Christians" have been quite arrogant in their attempts to discredit my works. However, they don't seem to understand something. Not every part of a doctrine needs to be proven false, for that doctrine to be false.

As an example, lets say there is a counterfeit $100 bill. Everything about the bill looks completely legitimate. Paper feels good, color looks good, numbers match up. But you notice one thing, a watermark is missing. What's the conclusion? The bill is a counterfeit. The bill does not need to have ALL the signs of a counterfeit bill to be counterfeit. It only needs one thing to be wrong.

Same goes with the Trinity doctrine. Part of what it teaches is that the Son is as equally God as the Father. That he has no beginning, is all-knowing, and equally powerful. It also teaches that the Holy Spirit is a person that, like the Son and Father, has no beginning, is all-knowing, and equally powerful. All anyone needs to do is just take one of those teachings and prove it to be false. If someone proves that the Holy Spirit is not a person, then guess what? The Trinity doctrine is a false teaching. So that is what I do. I address a teaching, disprove that teaching, and show the truth of the scriptures that have been forced to prove that teaching. Since I can and have done that from various angles, both effectively and accurately, I can confidently say - and show - that the Trinity doctrine is completely fallacious.


  1. Revelation 7:9 is the great crowd in heaven or on earth? Seems to be the born agains favorte scripture that they will be in heaven. Maybe you can put something down to show that it is on earth

    1. The great crowd is undoubtedly on earth. There are multiple scriptures that show there will be those who live on earth. Matthew 5:5 says the the "mild-tempered" or "meek" "will inherit the earth". Psalm 37:11 says the same thing. Psalm 37:29 says the meek will "live forever" on the earth. If all are going to heaven, why are there clearly 2 separate groups? If they are no different there would be no point in breaking them up.

      Jesus told us there is a "little flock" who have been approved by Jesus's Father to be given the Kingdom at Luke 12:32. This "little flock" is clearly different than the "great crowd" that "cannot be numbered". Jesus spoke of them at John 10:16 saying "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold ("little flock"/144,000).

      Scripturally there are 2 different groups of people. If all had the same hope, the same destination and were going to the same place it would be completely unnecesarry to break them into 2 groups. There HAS to be a difference. The difference being the "little flock" will be given the Kingdom, the "great crowd" will "inherit the earth".


Is there a specific scripture in the Bible that you are confused about? That you think proves the trinity to be true and would like it clarified? Any questions about the trinity at all, let me know. I would be more than willing to provide the information for you, or the place where you find the information.